Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Beginning



     Well, here it is. My very first post on my new blog "complete splash." This is essentially going to be an absolute random blog, hence the name. It is going to be a splash of everything from health, to fashion, to cooking and photography. My Instagram "completesplash" is going to be pictures that make me happy, so this blog will go along with that.

     I do not believe I'll be posting much on this website until a few more things happen. I am currently in school, hopefully graduating with a finance degree in August of this year, 2015. Like we all are, I'm crazy busy with going to school, studying, babysitting as my current job, and trying to maintain the relationships I have currently with my boyfriend Eric, and my wonderful friends.

     My boyfriend got me an extremely nice camera for Christmas last year, which is what I'm taking all of my pictures with. Although this camera doesn't have half the quality as these big time blogs and photographers, it will be just fine for what I want.

     What do I want exactly? To be happy. Taking pictures and posting/writing about them makes me so happy, I can't even explain it. I'm really into health & fitness, so there may be posts like that on here. I also love to travel (near and far) so random posts may be on a new country I visit, or a new coffee house I visit. Lastly, I am also a huge fan of fashion and love love love designers.

     So there you have it. A "complete" "splash" of topics that I love and will be sharing here for whoever wants to see it. And if that person is only me, that it perfectly okay. By the way, my name is Shannon. It's lovely to meet you (: